14/4 måndag
hej. Barnkalas igår, älskade simone blev 7, alltså jag har verkligen upptäckt hur mysigt det är med barn, jag skall göda mej själv på barn när jag blir stor, kanske.
Skrivit klart mitt CV nu, jag och kajsa har gett oss fan på att vi skall ha jobb i sommar, tänkte skriva ut 20st. Känns skönt när det är gjort. Det är sjukt men vill verkligen ha ett sommarjobb nu, vill ha pengar, vill ha shopping, vill ha thailand! FAN thailand skall jag till en dag,en dag snart, skall tjata sönder på Lasse denna veckan, vill verkligen. Åka typ om 3 veckor och komma hem en vecka innan skolavslutningen, tänk så skönt! Skall kämpa för de, mamma åker till mallorca nästa vecka, KUL, jag får inte åka med. Vill inget annat hellre än att åka bort nu, precis vad jag skulle behöva verkligen!
Life is a biatch.
hoppas ni trivs bättre än mej i detta land, bye bye.
seg lördag
Jag lägger upp min engelska uppsats för ni vet jag har verkligen inget annat att prata om, ÄR INGET VIDARE BRA PÅ ENGELSKA, men en uppsats är de iallafall, en utav många, de sista dagarna har bara gått åt till plugg, plugg o återigen plugg. Så jävla tråkigt, får ta och skaffa mig ett liv snart, tänkte göra de i Juni! Kan inte bara sommarn vara här nu.
Martina at thirty
Now as everybody already know I go here on "Fässbergsgymnasiumet" in your class. And I'm sixteen now. I'm single and I think my life is perfect just the way it is. No I'm joking with you, its not perfect, no ones life is perfect. Even if there are some people that thinks their life is perfect just the way it is, I can guarantee you that they are just tiny little cowardly pigs. Not all of them but some of. Life can be good, even be great but its not perfect and all should be happy as they live, because they actually live, and just that is a thing, a great thing, you live, not everybody does that. But end of this shit about the perfect life. I live with my mother and my little sister right know, who the hell knows who I'm going to be living with about ten years?. Not me. But I think I will work the as of me every day, stand in the kitchen, food here, food there, my stomach will scream of all the stress and for all that I will make a tiny little shit salary. But non of that is actually what I want. Then you know we come to a hole another point when we come to what I want. Yeah, I want to be married with an rich rich man, we will travel a lot, first and foremost to Thailand, we will have kids and fuck really really much. Yes, I'm honest. Then I going to be tiny and hot, and when I say hot I mean hot, really hot you know. Hotter than one of the playboy mansion girls. No I'm just joking, I can never be like them, I'm actually planning to be brunette.
But if I keep on talking on my fabulous great life that even not going to be for real, I just get more and more depressed so I just don't do that. Back to my life and how it's going to be. I will live in a caravan and the greatest thing that can happen to me every day is that I will be able to get myself to the alcohol store and by me my eight beers everyday that I must have to keep on struggle with my life. And that was not a joke, who knows?, It can be my future. It can be my past, and that was a joke. I'm promise I don't need that eight beer every day to keep on going, now at the moment I just need my friends. I don't know who I ever was going to be if I haven't had them, cause sometimes when I actually not know myself, I'm not know what I'm doing, it sounds strange I know but it's true, they tell me who I am and how pleased they are to have me and it makes my day and I can find myself in the darkness you know everybody can live in sometimes. Not that my life is really hard, I really can't say that. But I can say the world is hard, it's hard. I am practise five days a week, and you see, I'm still not yet slim?.
I love to be in the gym on my spare time, I think I will like it as much I do it now , then I hope one day I finally can be as thin as I want. I like to travel a lot, discover things, you know I'm a crazy person. But I can be serious to. But when you travel you kind of get a feeling that isn't better than anything else, nothing can destroy your happiness. Now when I travel I do it with my family, I have actually not done it with non of friends, but I will someday. Before I have my eighteen birthday. My dream is to get married on Hawaii, with an wonderful man, to have kids with him and bought a big house near the sea. That wasn't a dream anyone never would think. Yeah right.
I probably is tattooed, I don't know what it will be, I want to do little small things on my foots and on the beck of the neck, but we'll see. My hair will be long cause I'm going to save it this time, and my teeth is not going to look like a railway track anymore. Thank god for that.
I know, maybe I should just be a model?, make a lot of money and be a really good fucker. The new Pamela? Her money I want, but I want to get my own personality and a real life that isn't about to fuck a knew rock star guy every mouth. But famous we all want to be. We'll see where I will end up when I thirty, we for gad sake hope it will be good, cause now you know I'm only on my travel to thirty.
Tack&hej kuk i dej ;)
Hoppas ni mår bättre än mej, caio